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Billionaire's Baby Page 5

  “She seems really nice,” Anna said as they headed toward Sadie’s Saloon, which was just a short walk.

  “Melissa’s great. And she’s a really good writer, too. I just read her second mystery and I couldn’t put it down.”

  “Oh, maybe I should have bought a copy. I want to start reading more.”

  “You can borrow mine when I’m done.”

  “Oh, thanks. I’m surprised you didn’t get the ebook version.”

  “Normally I do. But if it’s author I love, sometimes I’ll get the print copy. Especially when it’s someone I know and they autograph it.”

  “That makes sense.”

  The coffee shop was busier than the last time they’d been there. The owner of the shop, Sadie, was chatting with the customers in front of them, and handing out tiny plastic spoons with ice cream samples.

  “Oh, Sadie must have a new flavor out today,” Tammy said as the people in front of them paid and then it was their turn.

  “Hi, Tammy. Would you and your friend like to try a new flavor I’m experimenting with?” Sadie said.

  They both said yes at the same time and laughed.

  “Here you go.” Sadie handed them both a bite of ice cream. “It’s peanut butter with caramel swirl and bits of chocolate. What do you think?”

  “I think I need a cup of that, and a coffee,” Tammy said. She looked back at Anna. “How about you?”

  “I wasn’t planning on getting ice cream, but I can’t sit there and watch you eat it,” Anna laughed. “I’ll have the same.”

  They brought their coffees and ice creams over to a table and sat down. Anna pulled Taylor’s stroller close to the table so it wouldn’t be in the way. Taylor was wide awake and looking all around the room with big, curious eyes.

  “She’s super cute! How is everything going?” Tammy asked.

  “She is, isn’t she? So far, so good. Though I was a nervous wreck at first about taking her out. I put the carrier in the back seat several times before I was sure that it was locked into place.”

  Tammy looked sympathetic. “It wasn’t your fault, you know. If anything, it was Elise’s.”

  Anna was silent for a moment and then nodded. “I know. Rationally, I know that, but I still feel guilty. And it doesn’t help that Elise still blames me for it.”

  Tammy’s eyes narrowed at the mention of Elise. There was no love lost there.

  “Well, it’s never been fair. You know how I feel about it. And besides, he’s fine now. No harm done.”

  “Right. So, how’s your day going?” Anna tried to change the subject. She appreciated that Tammy got fired up on her behalf, but she still preferred to not even think about it.

  “Good. That cute doctor I met the other night at trivia came into the store today.”

  “Clark? The one that was sitting next to you?”

  “That’s the one. He’s a huge flirt, so it’s hard to tell if he might be interested or if he’s just charming to everyone. I’m pretty sure it’s not just me.”

  Anna looked at her friend. Tammy was gorgeous. She was taller than Anna, and had brown hair that was so dark it almost looked black and it fell half-way down her back, shiny and straight. And she had unusual, bluish gray eyes and pale skin. The combination was striking. Tammy had always gotten more attention from boys than Anna did, but she didn’t mind.

  “It probably was you. Did he buy anything?”

  “The newest Lee Child thriller and a couple of crossword puzzle books.”

  “He likes crossword puzzles?”

  “He said they help him to relax and unwind after a long day.”

  “So, he has a somewhat serious side, then. Did he ask you out?”

  Tammy laughed. “No. Though he did ask if I was going to be at trivia this week.”

  “So he came into your shop and asked if you’d be at trivia? Could be a little interest there, maybe.”

  “I’m sure he was just being friendly. And he’s good friends with Wade so probably stopped by to see him before coming to the store. I highly doubt it was just to see me.”


  “So, what about your billionaire? Tell me more about Ben. Aside from being insanely good-looking, is he nice?”

  “He is, actually. Nicer than I expected.” She told Tammy about waking up to find Ben already up and feeding Taylor.

  “And it was his idea for you to come here today?”

  “Well, not specifically here, but to get out of the house.”

  “He sounds great. Is he single?”

  Was he? It seemed as though he probably was, but Anna realized she didn’t know much about Ben’s personal life. Maybe he had a long-distance relationship with someone.

  “I think so, but I’m not really sure.”

  “I remember reading about him in the tabloids. Always a different girl, usually someone famous. But now that I think about it, I haven’t seen any mentions on him or any women in a long time.”

  “He said that was a reason he moved here. To get out of the spotlight and focus on raising Taylor in a more normal environment.”

  “Well, once the women in Riston catch wind that he’s here, that’s likely to change. He’s the most eligible bachelor this town has ever seen.”

  “I suppose so.” For some reason, Anna found the thought of Ben dating anyone in Riston a bit depressing.

  “Maybe it will be you,” Tammy said with a slightly teasing tone, but Anna could tell there was a little hope there, too.

  “It’s not like that. I work for him and I need this job. I wouldn’t do anything that could jeopardize it.”

  Tammy nodded. “I understand. So, fill me in on the school situation. Have you looked into what you need to do for financial aid?”

  Anna took a sip of her coffee before answering. “I have and what I found out isn’t good. In order to qualify for financial aid, I need Elise to fill out some forms and she made it clear she wants nothing to do with helping me go to law school. Besides, even if she did, it wouldn’t matter because I still wouldn’t qualify.”

  Tammy looked confused. “Why not? I thought you said she said there wasn’t a lot of money left when your father passed.”

  “She lied. He may have lost some, but last I knew he had all of his money in one stock—Amazon, and that’s done nothing but go up in recent years. So even if it did fall, and it is a volatile stock, even with a dip, he should still be somewhat ahead. Enough for me not to qualify for aid.”

  “I’m sorry. That really stinks. What will you do?”

  That was the big question. Law school was expensive and even if she saved every penny she made, she still wouldn’t have enough to cover tuition and room and board by September.

  “I don’t know. I’ll need to see what I can do for loans, and how much I can save. I might need to push it off a year.”

  Anna took her last bite of ice cream just as Taylor decided it was time to go. She let out a huge holler and then the tears came.

  “I think she’s ready to head home,” Anna said as she stood and looked around for where to throw out her trash.

  “I’ll take those,” Tammy said. “I’m going to order Melissa’s mocha and then we can be on our way.”

  Ben stared out his office window, taking in a sight he’d never seen in Silicon Valley. About a hundred yards from the house, in a pretty meadow, six deer were roaming around, stopping occasionally to nibble on some grass. He’d been glued to his computer screen all day, so the short break and peaceful sight was a welcome one. He stretched and twisted in his chair to loosen up his crunchy muscles. He’d have to visit his gym later and get a good workout in. That helped keep him in shape and get a good night’s sleep. It would also take his mind off his pretty new nanny who was sleeping just down the hall. He’d been so desperate to find someone capable to watch Taylor that it hadn’t even occurred to him that a young, pretty nanny could be a dangerous distraction.

  Ben liked dating all kinds of women. Admittedly, he’d done his share
of it, and it had been fun walking the red carpet with actresses and models and other lovely women he’d met. As a well-known billionaire, he hadn’t ever had a shortage of women interested in going out with him. But, he’d always kept things light. His number one focus had always been on his job and he made it clear with everyone he dated that he wasn’t looking for anything serious. Most of them felt the same way, but he knew a few of them thought they’d be able to change his mind and saw it as a challenge. He also knew most were as attracted to his money as they were to him.

  And after a while, he’d grown tired of it. Eventually, he hoped to meet someone that he could be serious with. His priorities had changed now that he had Taylor to consider and truthfully, going out with different women all the time got old after a while. But, while he hoped to eventually meet someone in Riston, he knew that the last candidate he should consider would be his live-in nanny. That just seemed like a recipe for disaster. If it didn’t go well, he’d be out of a nanny for one thing. No, he’d just have to resist the temptation to flirt with her, and focus on keeping his distance and just being her friend. Plus, he had to admit, she hadn’t shown the slightest interest in him other than as an employer. Maybe he was losing his touch.

  His phone rang, and he smiled when he saw who it was—Adiel.

  “So, what did you think? Did you talk to Steven yet?” Ben asked

  “I did. Thank you for the head’s up. It sounds right up my alley and it would be fun to hang out in Riston with you for a few months, or maybe longer if the pilot gets picked up.”

  “Did you say yes, then?”

  “Steven’s sending over the contract now, and I’m flying in on Sunday to drop it off in person and walk around the property with him. Get a feel for his vision.”

  Ben was thrilled to hear it. Except for his friend Jack who worked for the local police and had recently married, Ben didn’t have any close friends in Riston, and it would be fun to have someone to hang out with.

  “I couldn’t be happier to hear this. You’re welcome to crash here. I’ve got plenty of room,” Ben offered.

  “I will gladly take you up on that for a night or two. I’ll just be in town for a few days, then back in a week or so to stay. Steven said there will be some housing set up for everyone working on the show. It will either be right on the ranch or close by. I’m not sure on the details yet.”

  “Well, I’m looking forward to catching up when you get here. Congrats.”

  “Thanks again for putting my name forward. I really appreciate it. I’ll see you in a few days.”

  Ben glanced out the window again as he hung up the phone. The deer were long gone. But the view was still breathtaking. There were snow-capped mountains in the distance, soaring green trees and glistening lakes. Riston was beautiful and something about the air here really agreed with him. Just looking out the window at the serene views filled him with a sense of peace, and the sureness that this was where he was meant to be.

  Chapter 5

  When Anna pulled in the driveway, she smiled at the sight of a half-dozen or so deer grazing in the backyard. Growing up in Riston, it was a sight she was used to but never got sick of. As she was getting Taylor and her carrier out of the backseat, she thought she saw movement in one of the windows, in the room that Ben used as an office.

  When she came into the house, Ben’s door was closed and she could faintly hear him talking on the phone. Betty came over to help and shut the door behind them. Taylor was ready for a diaper change and a bottle, in that order, and when she brought her to the kitchen for the bottle, she caught a whiff of whatever Betty was stirring on the stove.

  “It’s chicken stew for your dinner tonight and I just took a loaf of bread out of the oven.”

  So, that was what smelled so good. Fresh baked bread. She would definitely need to check out that gym soon.


  “There’s some leftover lasagna, too. I figured you might want to have that for lunch tomorrow. Ben made a good dent in it today.”

  “You’re going to fatten me up,” Anna said with a smile.

  “If I do, then I consider it a job well done. Want to try a piece of the bread? I was just about to have a slice with a cup of tea. You can keep me company.”

  “Okay, twist my arm,” Anna said as Betty slid a plate with a thick slice of buttered bread across the island. Taylor’s started making noises when she saw Anna eating the bread and she broke off a small piece and gave it to her.

  “Taylor likes it.”

  Anna spent an enjoyable hour chatting with Betty and feeding bits of bread and butter to Taylor. She learned that both of her children were married. Her son Philip was a resident at Mass General Hospital in Boston and her daughter, Andrea, was a corporate lawyer for a top firm in New York City.

  “They’re both doing wonderfully with their careers and are too busy to have children. I keep asking and they tell me as soon as things slow down, then maybe. I’m not holding my breath that it will be any time soon.”

  “Do you think either of them might ever move back home, to Riston?”

  Betty’s eyes clouded a bit. “I’d love that, of course, but it doesn’t seem likely for either of them. But, you never do know what the future holds.” She cut another slice of bread and gave most of it to Taylor. “At least I have this little one to entertain me,” she said with a smile.

  The clock on the wall chimed that it was five o’clock, time for Betty to head home.

  “Any fun plans tonight?” Anna asked her.

  “Yes. I’m heading to my sister Josephine’s house for dinner. She lives just down the road. It is nice to have family nearby even if it’s not my kids.”

  When Betty left, Anna scooped up Taylor and brought her into the living room to read to her for a while. She got a little fussy, but the cool teething ring seemed to help. She read to her until her eyes got heavy. She’d just closed one of the new books she’d bought that day when Ben walked into the room and saw the two of them on the sofa with picture books strewn about and Taylor dozing.

  “Busy day? Looks like you did some shopping. I’ll reimburse you for the books.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to. I was just at the book store and picked a few up. She likes it when I read to her.”

  “Of course I will. I’ll add it into your check. I appreciate it. I’d been meaning to get some more books for her. I think I’ve worn out Goodnight Moon.”

  Anna smiled. “She does like that one.”

  “Are you hungry? I was just going to have some dinner.”

  “Sure. I think Taylor will be out for a little while.”

  “Leave her here. She’ll be fine while we eat. If she wakes up, she’ll let us know.”

  Anna followed him into the kitchen. The layout of the house was open concept, so she could still see the living room sofa from where she sat at the island. If Taylor stirred, she could go get her.

  Ben set two big bowls of soup and the loaf of bread and butter on the island. Anna cut herself a slice and buttered it generously.

  “Did you see the deer earlier? There were about six or so of them in the back yard when I got home earlier.”

  “I saw them out the window before I jumped on a call. By the time I looked again, they were gone. They’re so innocent looking and skittish. The slightest sound sends them scurrying away. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of seeing animals out there, though. It’s so beautiful here.”

  “It really is. I don’t want to live anywhere else if I don’t have to.” Even though she’d grown up in Riston, Anna loved it there and had no desire to move.

  “Why would you have to?” Ben asked.

  “Well, it’s a small town and only so many jobs available for recent college graduates. Even less for new lawyers. There’s only one big law firm in town, and that’s where my stepmother works. There’s no way I’d go there.”

  Ben frowned. “Yeah, I can see how that would be awkward. There must be some smaller firms?”

��There are a few, but it’s doubtful they’d need to hire additional lawyers. I suppose you never know, though. I have a few years before I have to really worry about it, anyway. So, how was your day?” Anna didn’t want to think about the fact that she might not be able to start law school in the fall or work in Riston when she finished.

  “My day was pretty great. A good friend agreed to sign on as the head writer and show runner for the TV project. He’s flying in Sunday night for a few days and then he’ll be back a week or so later to start working on the scripts. He’s going to stay here for a few nights.”

  “Oh, that’s great.”

  “I think you’ll like him. His name is Adiel.”

  Just as Anna finished her soup, she saw Taylor stirring and went to give her a bath and a bottle. Ben took her and played with her for a while and Anna decided to check out the gym. She did the elliptical for a half hour and used free weights to tone her arms and legs. When she returned to the house, Ben was changing Taylor’s diaper, and the baby was yawning and rubbing her eyes.

  “She looks ready to go to bed. Do you want me to put her down?” Anna was still trying to get used to what her hours were. Ben had said she would have Taylor during the day and he’d take over in the evenings, but she still felt like she should do more since she was there.

  Ben grinned. “I’ve got it. It’s my shift now. Once she’s settled, I’m thinking about watching a movie if you feel like joining me.”

  “Sure. I’m going to take a quick shower and then I’ll be out.”

  Taylor wasn’t as tired as he’d thought. She seemed to catch a second wind and demanded that he read Good Night Moon again. He went to read one of the new books that Anna had bought that day but Taylor had burst into tears and said the one word she knew, ‘no’ repeatedly, until he picked up Good Night for a third time. Her eyes shut for good when he was halfway through, but he continued on anyway. By the time he closed the book, she was fast asleep.

  Anna was waiting for him in the living room. Her hair was still damp as she sat cross-legged on the sofa in her turquoise blue sweats and white long-sleeved t-shirt. She was flipping through a magazine and looked up when he walked into the room.