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Billionaire's Baby Page 9

  “I need to talk to you, but need to return a few calls first. I’ll be back in about twenty minutes.” Ben disappeared into his office and Anna felt a pit grow in her stomach, a sinking feeling that got worse as the clock ticked. She finished feeding Taylor and put her down for a nap. Ben was due to come out of his office any minute and she was a bundle of nerves. He’d said he was going to talk to Elise and by his tone, she suspected he’d learned the truth. Or rather Elise’s version of the truth. She made herself a cup of strong black coffee and stirred a little sugar in it as she sat waiting in the kitchen. Betty had gone shopping and wasn’t due back for probably another half hour or so, so the house was quiet.

  Finally, she heard footsteps coming her way. Ben sat next to her at the island and his face was still hard to read.

  “I went to see Elise.”

  Anna nodded and waited for him to continue.

  “We had a good discussion about the will and that Amazon stock. We came to an understanding that she will give you the original amount you were due before she changed your father’s will.”

  Anna was surprised. “You got her to agree to that?”

  He shrugged. “I explained how it was in her best interest to honor that original will. I told her if we took her to court, the one she changed would not stand and it would cost her a lot of money.”

  “I see. Well, I can’t thank you enough.”

  “You’re very welcome. She also told me something else. Something that was disappointing to hear.”

  Anna looked away. She knew what was coming.

  “Is it true? What she said?”

  Anna faced him. “Yes, it’s true. I dropped my little brother on his head. And it was awful. I still have nightmares about it. We were on our way out and Elise asked me to get Tommy. He was in his car carrier and it was sitting on the kitchen table. We were in a hurry. I picked it up fast, and it wasn’t locked into position. It swung forward and Tommy toppled out, onto the hard wood floor. Onto his head.”

  “Oh, my God.”

  As they always did, the tears came as Anna told him the rest of the story. “We called 911, and they brought him into the local ER immediately, but his injury was too severe and his brain was swelling so fast. They had to helicopter him to Children’s Hospital in Lewiston and it was touch and go for several weeks. He needed multiple surgeries to relieve the swelling on his brain.”

  “He’s okay now?”

  Anna nodded. “Yes. But it was a horrible year. The Children’s Protective Services all but accused Elise of hurting Tommy on purpose. Because of his head injuries, they said it could have been caused by throwing him to the ground. It was horrible. They finally believed that I did it, though, and that it was just an accident.”

  Ben was looking at her curiously. “You said the carrier wasn’t locked when you picked it up. Wouldn’t that have been Elise’s responsibility?”

  Anna sighed. “Yes and no. She should have made sure it was locked and I should have checked that it was locked. We were both in a rush. It was truly an accident. But Elise has never forgiven me. Honestly, I don’t think she’s ever forgiven herself, either. She’s just very lucky he’s fine now. Of course, he can’t play any contact sports, no football ever.”

  “A small price to pay. She asked me if you told me about this before I hired you.”

  “Would you have hired me if I had?” Anna said.

  Ben sighed. “No, probably not. I don’t like that you lied to me though, Anna.”

  Anna felt the tears threaten to fall again.

  “I’m sorry. I really am.”

  They both turned at the sound of the front door opening. Adiel was back. Anna couldn’t face him or anyone else at the moment.

  “I’m going to my room.”

  Anna sat in her room and stewed for about twenty minutes. The look on Ben’s face had cut right through her. She was so grateful for what he’d done and so sorry that she had turned out to be such a disappointment to him. Especially after the kiss they’d shared the other night, too. They still hadn’t talked about that. But Anna had been thinking about little else.

  And unfortunately there only seemed to be one sensible solution. She had to leave. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure because she’d never been in love before, but she thought that she might be falling in love with Ben. And how could that ever work out? She was his nanny. And if he didn’t feel the same way it would only be awkward for her to stay. It was highly inappropriate, to say the least. And yet, she kept replaying their kiss over and over.

  It wasn’t just the kiss, though. She knew she was going to miss Ben. She’d never been happier than she had since she’d been living there, spending time with him, and Taylor and Betty. They almost felt like a family. She enjoyed his company so much—too much. Just watching Seinfeld and eating ice-cream together and playing with Taylor. It was just perfect, and she was going to miss it horribly. But it was best for her to make a clean break. Let him find a nanny that wasn’t going to go and fall in love with him and one that he wouldn’t have to worry about with his daughter.

  She called Tammy and asked if she could come and stay with her for a few days. She said she’d explain when she got there and Tammy didn’t ask any questions, just told her she could stay as long as she needed to. She packed an overnight bag and planned to come back and get the rest of her luggage. It would be too awkward to move everything out now, with Adiel still visiting. She didn’t want a scene, and she didn’t want to embarrass Ben in front of his friend.

  Adiel looked her way when she walked out to the kitchen and his eyes fell on her overnight bag. She put on a bright smile and tried to act as though everything was perfectly normal.

  “I’m going to stay with my friend Tammy tonight. I’ll be back in the morning. Adiel it was great to meet you.”

  “You, too. I hope to see you again soon.” He gave her a big hug and his warm eyes that saw so much were full of sympathy.

  Ben looked sick to his stomach.

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  He walked her out to her car and as soon as they got outside asked, “What’s going on? Why are you going to Tammy’s?”

  “I think it’s probably best if you find a new nanny. Tammy said I can stay with her until I find my own place. Now, thanks to you, I’ll have money to do that soon.”

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I think I do. I’ll come back tomorrow to get the rest of my stuff.”

  “But what about the other night? We kissed. We haven’t talked about that yet.”

  “That’s part of it, too, Ben. I liked that a little too much. I can’t do that and be your nanny, too. It’s not fair to any of us.”

  “We’ll talk tomorrow,” Ben promised.

  Anna sat in her car for a moment and waited until she calmed down enough to drive. Her emotions were all over the place.

  Tammy had the door open for her when she walked up. She pulled Anna in for a hug, and the tears came again, harder and faster this time.

  “It’s Ben, isn’t it? Come on in.”

  “She’s not just the nanny, is she?” Adiel asked softly when Ben walked back in the house.

  He sighed. “It’s complicated.”

  “Is it? I’ve never seen you so comfortable or relaxed with someone. She seems great. So what if she’s your nanny? Life is short.”

  “She is great. I just found out something today, though, that threw me for a loop.”

  “Something about Anna?”

  “Yeah. Something she didn’t tell me that I heard from someone else first.”

  “How bad could it be?”

  Ben told him what Anna had shared and about his meeting with Elise and Adiel sat quietly, taking it all in. Finally, he asked, “If you were in Anna’s shoes, would you have shared that information with a potential new employer?”

  Ben didn’t have to think long about that. “No, probably not.”

  “So, you’re just mad that you heard it from someone else firs
t. And she’s done a great job with Taylor from what you’ve said and from what I can see.”

  Ben nodded.

  “But now you have feelings for her, and you’re not sure what to do about it?”

  “That’s sums it up.”

  “That’s a tough one. Do you want her to be your nanny? Or your girlfriend? It’s not really possible to have both, is it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Adiel slapped him on the back. “You have a lot to think about. I hope it turns out the way you both want it to.”

  Chapter 11

  Anna got up early the next day and drove over to Ben’s house just before ten. She woke up feeling sure of her decision to leave the nanny position and get her luggage. It was the only sensible thing to do. Then she and Ben could move on and he could find a nanny that wouldn’t fall in love with him.

  When she arrived, Betty was in the kitchen and smiled when she saw her.

  “Ben’s in his office. He said to tell you to go in as soon as you got here.”

  “Thanks, Betty.”

  Anna took a deep breath and slowly opened Ben’s door. She peeked inside and he was on the phone but waved her in. A moment later he ended the call.

  “Hey, there. I had a feeling you might come by early. Have a seat.”

  Anna sat in a padded leather armchair across from him. She looked around his office. It was a gorgeous room, and it suited him. There was a fire going in the corner and the walls were covered with bookcases, filled with books of all kinds.

  “So, what are you thinking?” he asked gently.

  She smiled sadly. “I’ve loved working here for you and Taylor and with Betty, but I think it’s probably best if I move on and you find another nanny.”

  “Why do you think that’s best?” Ben’s voice cracked.

  “You know why.”

  Ben shook his head. “I was upset about what I heard yesterday from Elise, but it just threw me. I understand why you didn’t mention it and I don’t care. I know you would never do anything to hurt Taylor.”

  “Thank you. I still think it’s best, though, if you found another nanny.”

  “Why? Because we kissed?”

  Anna nodded.

  “Are you saying that you have feelings for me? Because I definitely do for you. I know this has happened fast, but I’ve always heard that when love finds you, you’ll know it. It will feel right. Since I’ve met you, everything has felt right. I look forward to spending my nights with you and Taylor, hanging out watching Seinfeld, trying to cook a chicken, eating ice cream together in the kitchen and just kissing you. I’ve never been happier.”

  “I feel the same way,” Anna said.

  “But the problem is I don’t want you to just be my nanny. I want more than that. And that’s not fair to ask of you.”

  Anna’s hopes sunk. She prepared herself to say goodbye to Ben, to get her luggage and move on. She tried as hard as she could to keep the tears from coming.

  “So, I thought, if you possibly felt the same way that I do, maybe there was another way.” Ben opened his desk drawer and pulled out an old, faded box. It was very small and made of black velvet. He opened it and pulled out an antique diamond ring.

  “This was my grandmother’s ring. She gave it to me years ago before she died and told me to give it to the girl I fell in love with. She said it was a lucky ring as it gave her over fifty years of marriage.”

  Ben got down on his knee and held up the ring.

  “I know this is crazy, but it feels right to me. I hope it does to you. Anna, will you marry me? I can promise you a lifetime of ice cream and movies and love.”

  “Are you serious? Yes!”

  Anna leaned in and wrapped her arms around Ben’s neck and kissed him tenderly.

  “Are you sure?” she asked when they finally came up for air.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”


  Two weeks later, on a Sunday morning, Anna sat in church feeling very grateful. Although she’d been a little nervous when Ben proposed, it was only because it happened so fast, not because she was unsure of her feelings. They’d decided to get married quietly, the Saturday before Valentine’s day, which was only a few weeks away. She was looking forward to it because once the initial shock of the proposal had passed, they’d settled in and just been so happy ever since.

  Betty was thrilled for both of them and even Taylor seemed to approve, if that was possible. Ben thought she was just in a good mood because her teeth didn’t seem to be bothering her as much, but Anna talked to her all the time and told her they were getting married. She liked to think the little girl understood more than they knew.

  It was their first time bringing Taylor to church—and so far, so good. They sat in the back pew, just in case they needed to make an early exit. She stirred and whimpered a little just as the service was ending, but no one noticed. Ben carried her out and handed her to Anna when he saw someone he needed to go talk to for a moment.

  “Is that an engagement ring?” Anna looked up to see Elise standing there, with Hayley and Tommy by her side. The two children ran over to give Anna hugs and to look at Taylor, who was staring back at them with huge, curious eyes.

  “It is,” Anna said as Ben returned to her side and gave her a kiss.

  Elise’s jaw dropped.

  “Nice to see you again, Elise,” Ben said with a smile.

  “The two of you are engaged?”

  “We are. I’m the luckiest man in Riston. Don’t you think?” Ben asked, and Anna loved him for it.

  “Well, congratulations, then.” Elise shook her head and added, “All that fuss and you’re not going to law school after all. Guess you’ll be having one of your own soon enough?”

  Anna took a deep breath and tried not to let Elise get to her.

  “I’m still going to law school. I start this fall.”

  Elise looked surprised. “Really? I would have thought you wouldn’t bother with that now that you have your hands full.” She looked meaningfully at Ben. “It’s not like you’ll need to work now.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of denying Anna her education and the chance to pursue her dream job. We can always hire another nanny or have Taylor go to the Kids’ Korral a few afternoons a week. It might be good for her to be around other children,” Ben said.

  “I might not have classes five days a week either, so we have lots of options.” Anna was hoping to have a three-day-per-week schedule, but even if it was five days, it wouldn’t be full days. She and Ben had talked about it and both were determined to make it work.

  “The world sure is different these days,” Elise muttered. But then she smiled. “I am happy for you, Anna. I wish the two of you well. Come on, Hayley and Tommy, we need to go.”

  Anna watched them walk away and smiled when Ben took her hand.

  “I think that went well,” he said.

  Anna laughed. “I’m just glad that you’re my family now, and Taylor, too, and Betty.”

  Ben leaned over and kissed her. It was tender and sweet, and Anna didn’t want it to end. She knew she’d never get tired of kissing him.

  “I don’t think I’ve told you this yet today, but I love you,” he said softly. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “I love you, too. And yes, let’s go home.”

  I hope you enjoyed Anna and Ben’s story! Whose story are you looking forward to having me write next? Feel free to email me at to let me know.

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  Oh, one last thing, if you have a moment to leave one, even a short sentence or two helps new readers find our books, and is much appreciated. Thank you so much! ~Pam

  Also by Pamela M. Kelley

  Six Months in Montana

  Mistletoe in Montana

  Mischief in Montana

  Match-Making in Montana

  Winter i
n Ireland

  The Wedding Photo (a friends to lovers romance)

  Trust (Waverly Beach Mystery Series #1)

  Motive (Waverly Beach Mystery Series #2)

  River’s End Ranch Series

  Veterinarian’s Vacation

  Charming Chef

  Cute Cowboy

  Merry Manager

  Bernie’s Birthday

  Missing Melissa

  The Wedding Photo

  Up next, watch for Nashville Dreams set in the country music world. I think of this one as my big soapy saga—true love torn apart by amnesia and a scheming billionaire with political ambitions. Coming very soon…for an email alert with Nashville Dreams releases, click here.

  About the Author

  Pamela M. Kelley lives in the historic seaside town of Plymouth, MA near Cape Cod and just south of Boston. She has always been a book worm and still reads often and widely, romance, mysteries, thrillers and cook books. She writes contemporary romance and suspense and you'll probably see food featured and possibly a recipe or two. She is owned by a cute little rescue kitty, Bella.

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