Billionaire's Baby Read online

Page 6

  “It took a little longer than I expected.” He settled onto the sofa next to her and reached for the remote.

  “Babies can be unpredictable.” She smiled and he couldn’t help but notice how it lit up her face.

  “Have you seen the new Jack Raven movie?” Ben asked. He’d been looking forward to watching it as he’d missed seeing it in the theaters.

  “No, not yet. I’d love to see it. I’ve seen all of his other movies.”

  “Great, I’ll tee it up then.” Ben found the movie on demand and for the next two hours they were on the edge of their seat, watching the suspense thriller. It had a twist ending that took them both by surprise.

  “That was so good,” Anna said as the credits rolled.

  “I think it was even better than the last one,” Ben agreed.

  He clicked through the channels and there wasn’t much of anything else on, so he settled on the news. He snuck a look at Anna. She looked so comfy. His leather sofa was soft and squishy and she was curled up in the corner of it with a fleece blanket tucked snugly around her. She surprised him by stretching slowly, then bouncing up and announcing, “I’m going to have a small bowl of ice cream. Do you want some?”

  He laughed. “Yes, but make mine a big bowl.”

  Anna returned a few minutes later with two bowls of chocolate chip ice cream.

  “This is one of the reasons I worked out earlier,” she said as she handed him his bowl. “I saw Betty putting the groceries away, and this is my favorite flavor.”

  Ben inhaled his ice cream and set his empty bowl on the coffee table. Anna had barely made a dent in hers. She savored every small nibble. He found himself wanting to know more about her.

  “Why law school?” he asked.

  She looked up and considered the question. “It’s something I’ve always known I wanted to do, for as long as I can remember.”

  “Do you know what kind of law you want to focus on?”

  “I want to be a generalist. I know I’ll have to work for a firm first, but someday, I’d love to open my own small office and do a little bit of everything. Whatever people need me to do.”

  “So you don’t want to be a high powered criminal lawyer or a big corporate attorney? You’d have to move to a big city to do that.”

  Anna shook her head. “That doesn’t appeal to me at all. What kind of law did you focus on?”

  “I started out at a small law firm. I worked summers for one of my dad’s friends. It was a small office, and we did just what you mentioned, a little bit of everything. I liked it. But after I graduated, I got an offer from a venture capital firm and after a few years there, I was ready for the role at Blue Sky Pages.

  “Do you ever think you’d go back to practicing law?” Anna asked. It was a question he’d asked himself recently since he didn’t need to spend as much time on Blue Sky issues.

  “Maybe. As you said earlier, there’s only a few law firms here. Maybe there’s room for another. It wouldn’t be anytime soon I don’t think, though. I’m busy with a few different projects now, including the new TV show.”

  “You decided to invest?”

  Ben nodded. “Yes, once Adiel said he was on board, I called Steven and told him I was in. He sent me a contract, and I’m going to look it over tonight and stop by his attorney tomorrow to drop off a check and the signed paperwork.”

  “That’s exciting,” Anna said.

  Ben thought of something Wade had suggested to him when they met for lunch.

  “Were you planning to go to trivia this week?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure. I was hoping to, but I wasn’t sure if it would work with the schedule. Everyone usually gets there around six and has pizza before trivia. I could always go a little bit later.”

  “Or we could go together. Betty babysits for me once or twice a week, depending what is going on. I could have her watch Taylor Thursday night. Wade said it would be a good way for me to meet more people here.”

  “It would be! It’s really a fun night out.”

  “Okay, then. It’s a date. Well, no, not a date, but you know what I mean?” Ben felt suddenly awkward, wishing it was a date, but knowing it couldn’t be and not wanting Anna to get the wrong idea.

  “I know what you mean.” She smiled as if to assure him that she hadn’t taken it the wrong way. He was equally relieved and disappointed. Even though he knew it was a bad idea, part of him wanted her to be excited about an actual date with him. Which meant that he really should get out there and try to meet people.

  Chapter 6

  Ben didn’t stop the next day. He was busy from the moment he woke up. He had several early morning calls with people on the East Coast, which meant his first conference call was at six a.m. By noon, he was fried, and more than ready to get out of the house and take a drive into town to his bank and then the law firm to drop off a check and a signed contract for Steven. He’d been too busy to stop for lunch and his stomach was protesting as he drove. He decided to swing by Kelsey’s Kafe for lunch after he left the law firm.

  He parked and a moment later, a sleek champagne-colored Mercedes sedan pulled in next to him. The car looked as if it had just been driven off the lot, it was so new. As he walked toward the door, he noticed the driver of the Mercedes getting out of the car. A pair of slim legs on dangerously high heels hit the ground first, followed by an elegant older woman with a perfectly shaped blonde bob. He walked in the door and the woman rushed in behind him.

  “You must be Ben Turner!” she exclaimed and held out her hand. “I’m Elise Cummings, the office manager. Ray is expecting you. You can go right into the conference room.

  “Okay, thanks.”

  Ben met with Ray briefly, dropped off his check and contract, and was eager to be on his way to grab lunch. He liked Ray Thompson. Ray was an older man who’d founded the firm years ago and didn’t waste a lot of time on small talk. They chatted for a few minutes and then both men were ready to go. But Elise wasn’t ready to let him escape just yet. She was waiting at the front desk as he walked by.

  “Ben, if you have a moment?”

  He paused, hoping it would just be a moment.

  “I just wanted to welcome you to Riston. I think it’s really special that you’re raising your sister’s daughter here.” She smiled big, and he forced a smile in return. There was nothing special about what he was doing. It was just what you did for family. It was Taylor who was special. In the short time she’d been with him, she’d captured his heart and he couldn’t imagine her not being with him.

  “Thank you.” Another thought occurred to him.

  “I think we pulled in at the same time earlier. Your car is gorgeous. Is it new?”

  Elise looked thrilled at the compliment. “Yes! Thank you. It’s a special edition, and I got a nice discount because I paid cash. I imagine you pay cash all the time?” Ben tried not to laugh. She really was a piece of work.

  “Oh, look at the time. I have to run. It was nice talking with you!” He dashed out the front door while Elise was still talking. And as he drove away he couldn’t help thinking how interesting it was that someone who supposedly didn’t inherit much at all was paying cash for a new Mercedes. Before he said anything to Anna, though, he wanted to dig around a bit more and see what he could find out.

  Ben arrived at Kelsey’s Kafe a few minutes past one. The dining room was busy, but there was plenty of room at the counter. He sat down next to an older couple who were bickering about what to order.

  “Simon, I know you want the burger with everything, but you know what the doctor said. That’s okay once in a while, but you need to watch the fatty food. Get the toasted turkey sandwich or a bowl of soup.” Her tone was sweet but bossy and Ben smiled as he listened, picturing his own parents saying similar things.

  “Fine, I’ll have the blasted turkey sandwich. Jaclyn, I swear you’re not as much fun as you used to be.”

  “I am the queen of fun! But I’m planning on you sticking around for a
few more years, so you need to do your part.”

  “Hmmmm…” The older gentleman picked up the newspaper by his elbow and started fiddling with the crossword puzzle as a pretty young waitress with long brown hair in a ponytail came to take their order. After she finished with them, she turned her attention to Ben, and handed him a menu.

  “Hi, there. Can I get you something to drink?” He noticed that her slightly askew name tag read ‘Rachel’.

  “Sure. I’ll have a root beer and Bob’s famous burger.” He felt a little guilty ordering it with the older gentleman sitting two stools down, but he’d been craving a burger since Wade told him it was the best thing on the menu, other than the specials.

  “Good choice.” She returned a moment later and set down a tall glass of root beer.

  “Thanks, Rachel.”

  She looked startled by him mentioning her name and he could tell she was wondering if she was supposed to know him. He tapped his chest, the spot on her uniform where her name tag was, and she laughed.

  “We just started wearing these, and I forgot it was even there.” Something buzzed in her apron and Rachel pulled out her cell phone to check a text message. She looked dazed as she put the phone back in her pocket.

  “Is everything okay?” Ben asked.

  “What? Oh, yes. Everything is great. Really great, actually." She took a step closer and spoke softly. “I just heard that there is going to be a TV pilot filmed here in Riston. My agent is going to send my information in to see if I can get a meeting.”

  That piqued Ben’s interest. “What do you do?”

  “I’m an actress. I know Riston isn’t exactly the best place to be for that, but for family reasons, I can’t move for a few years. This is the biggest opportunity that has come along so far.”

  “Have you done any acting?” Rachel was a very pretty girl, and probably photogenic on-screen but that was no guarantee she had any acting talent.

  “Just local productions, mostly. Theater stuff and a commercial last year for an organic toothpaste product.”

  “Are you in anything now?”

  “We saw Rachel last night at the Spire downtown. Rachel was a marvelous Blanche!” the older woman sitting next to him said.

  She then leaned forward, “Couldn’t help but overhear. I’m Jaclyn and this is Simon. We usually come in for breakfast but today is our weekly lunch visit.”

  So the was the famous Jaclyn. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

  Ben turned his attention back to Rachel. “You’re starring in A Streetcar Named Desire? That’s quite a play.”

  Rachel smiled. “It’s incredible. I feel very lucky to be part of it.”

  “How much longer is it booked for?”

  “Sunday night is our last performance.”

  Ben thought for a moment. Adiel was flying in Sunday afternoon. If he was up for it, they could check out the play, and Rachel’s performance. As show runner, Adiel would be heavily involved in casting.

  “I have a friend coming into town this weekend. He loves going to plays, so we’ll try to make it to one of the shows.”

  Rachel looked thrilled. “Oh, I hope you do. That would be great!” She turned as Bob hollered her name to pick up food.

  “I know what you’re doing, and I approve,” Jaclyn said.

  Ben looked at the sweet, white-haired lady sitting next to him and wondered what on earth she was talking about. He decided to play along.

  “Well, I’m glad you approve, but what is it you think I’m doing?”

  Jaclyn leaned forward and whispered so only Ben could hear.

  “You don’t want to get that girl’s hopes up, so you’re not telling her about your involvement with the show. You want to go to the play and see for yourself if she might be right for it.”

  Ben was stunned. Very few people knew of his involvement and he’d only just made it official less than an hour ago. He didn’t quite know what to say.

  “I’m right, aren’t I?” Jaclyn looked delighted with herself as Rachel delivered Simon’s soup and Jaclyn’s salad.

  “You are. But how did you know that?”

  Jaclyn smiled. “I just know things. You probably won’t believe me when I say the fairies told me, but they did. They’re quite excited about it.”

  “The fairies?”

  Jaclyn sighed. “Yes, dear. I knew you’d have a hard time with that. But it is what it is. Oh, you might want to bring your nanny to the play, too. She loves the theater.”

  “You know Anna?” Ben hadn’t even thought about inviting Anna. Saturday and Sunday were her days off, but maybe she’d want to join them.

  “Yes, I know her. She’s Tammy’s friend, the gal that manages the bookstore with Melissa. They both come to trivia often.” Jaclyn gave Ben a long look, and then said, “Maybe you should come to trivia, too. It might be a nice way to meet everyone.”

  Ben smiled, as Rachel set his burger down. “Wade suggested that, too. Anna and I are planning to go this week.”

  “Good, good.”

  Ben started eating his burger, which was as outstanding as Wade had promised it would be. His cellphone buzzed when he was almost done eating with a reminder that he had a conference call at two. If he left now, he’d just about make it on time. He motioned to Rachel that he was ready for a check and put cash down for it as soon as she brought it over.

  Jaclyn and Simon were still eating and Jaclyn was yakking away while Simon kept stealing glances at his crossword puzzle. They looked up when he stood to go.

  “Nice chatting with you both,” Ben said as he picked up his car keys.

  “Nice to meet you, too, young man,” Simon said.

  “We’ll see you at trivia dear. Oh and please do put in a word for me if you wouldn’t mind. I’d love to be an extra on that show. Both Simon and I would.”

  “What?” Simon said as if it was the first time he’d heard of it.

  “We talked about this. You don’t have to say anything. It’s right up your alley.”


  Ben smiled. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Chapter 7

  “Thanks so much for babysitting tonight, Betty.” Anna was looking forward to going to trivia and introducing Ben to her friends—other than Wade who he already knew.

  “I’m happy to do it. Ben doesn’t take me up on it often enough. It’s good for him, for both of you, to get out and about.”

  Anna was in the kitchen, sitting at the island and chatting with Betty while she chopped carrots and celery for a casserole she was making. Taylor was dozing and Anna figured she had time for a quick cup of Caramel Shortbread tea. She’d offered to make Betty a cup, too, but she declined, until she smelled it.

  “What is that?” she’d asked.

  “It’s one of the teas I ordered from David’s Teas. They have really fun flavors.”

  “Alright, I’ll have a cup.”

  “So, you seem as though you’re settling in nicely. Are you liking the job?” Betty asked as she took her first sip of the tea.

  “Yes, it’s working out even better than I’d hoped. I’d never actually worked as a nanny before,” she admitted.

  Betty looked surprised to hear it. “Well, you could have fooled me.”

  “I was upfront with Ben. I didn’t think I had enough experience for him, but I have done my share of babysitting and have younger siblings. Plus, Taylor and I got along pretty well in the coffee shop and all the other nannies bombed. So I was his best, maybe his only option.”

  Betty nodded. “You are good with Taylor. Everything happens for a reason,” she said as she looked toward the large window that looked out on the backyard. Anna followed her gaze. The deer were back, even more of them this time. Anna counted eleven.

  “I never get tired of seeing them,” Betty said.

  Anna nodded. “There’s something magical about them.” One of the deer looked up at that moment and cocked its head. The sweet, innocent look on its face was endearing. But t
hen, suddenly they all turned and ran away. Something had spooked them. A moment later, they saw what it was. A giant moose casually strolled through the backyard. They watched as it looked around and then disappeared into the woods behind the house.

  “And this is why I don’t want to move,” Betty said.

  Anna agreed. She finished her tea and thought about how well her new job was working out so far. She and Taylor and Ben had fallen into a comfortable routine. After dinner, Anna visited Ben’s gym above the garage and then relaxed with Ben watching TV. They’d started working their way though all eight seasons of Seinfeld the night before, watching four episodes back to back and laughing and chatting for hours. He was easy to talk to, and they seemed to share the same taste in what they liked to watch. They were becoming good friends, and she was happy about that.

  More than once she’d had to remind herself that anything more than friends was off-limits and that she should not be so attracted to her employer. It was hard not to be, though. Ben ticked all the boxes—fun, nice, and extremely good-looking. But she knew if they ever crossed the friendship line that her working relationship wouldn’t be nearly as comfortable and she didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. Plus, she’d never even gotten the slightest hint that Ben saw her as anything other than the nanny, so she was being silly, anyway.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Anna jumped at the sound of Ben’s voice. He’d walked into the kitchen and she hadn’t even heard him coming. Out of the corner of her eye, she also saw Taylor stirring.

  “Hey, there. Taylor’s awake. I was just going to feed her before we head out.”

  A half-hour later, with Taylor fed and happily playing with Betty, Anna and Ben headed off to the restaurant at the ranch for trivia night.

  Ben drove, and they chatted easily about their days as they rode along. Less than twenty minutes later, they arrived at River’s End Ranch and walked into the restaurant. Jaclyn and Simon were already there at their usual big, round table. Wade, his wife Maddie and their nine-year-old daughter Vivian were there, too.