Billionaire's Baby Read online

Page 7

  “Vivian has been dying to come to trivia. But we’re not staying for the whole game, just the first half. Someone has school tomorrow.”

  Vivian pouted. “I can totally stay up.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt that you can. But I also know you’ll be too tired tomorrow morning. So, pizza and first half of trivia it is,” Maddie said firmly and then laughed. She patted her stomach. She wasn’t really showing yet as she wasn’t due until May. “Even if she’s not tired, I know I will be. I’m doing well enough to be off bedrest for now, so I don’t want to push my luck.”

  Tammy arrived a few minutes later, along with Melissa and her husband Jack. Anna introduced everyone to Ben, except for Jack and Melissa, who he already knew. Melissa’s sister, Melanie, and her husband Bryan arrived at the same time as Clark, the doctor Anna had met at trivia the week before.

  “Clark and Bryan are brothers, and Melissa and Melanie are twins,” she explained to Ben.

  “Got it. I think.”

  Anna laughed. “I know it’s a lot of names at once. I don’t think anyone else is coming tonight, though.”


  “Melissa has some exciting news,” Jack said once everyone’s pizzas were served, and he had their full attention.

  Melissa smiled. “It might not ever actually happen but The Final Letter has been optioned by a Hollywood production company.”

  “Congratulation! What does that mean exactly?” Jaclyn asked

  “It means that they will be shopping my story around to a few different studios and hope they get the green light to develop a pilot episode for a mystery series.”

  “You mean like a True Detective kind of thing?” Simon asked.

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “Well, that is amazing news,” Wade asked.

  “Which production company is it?” Ben asked.

  “Ross Klein films,” Melissa answered.

  Ben nodded. “I haven’t worked with them, but they have a great reputation. I’ll have to check out your book. I love a good mystery/thriller.”

  “Melissa’s story is so good. I couldn’t even put it down,” Jack said proudly.

  As soon as they finished eating, Arthur, the trivia host, came around with pencils and pads of paper to write down their answers and keep score. They did well in the first half and even Vivian contributed a winning answer when the question was about children’s literature. Anna was impressed that Ben contributed several winning answers, too, across varied categories—history, sports and even finance. As usual, Anna did best with the movie and entertainment questions. When Wade, Maddie and Vivian left, they were in first place.

  Just as trivia was starting up again, Anna noticed a stunning tall woman with long, layered hair that was so light it was almost white. She looked vaguely familiar but Anna couldn’t place where she’d seen her before. As the woman walked toward their table, she also noticed heads turning and a curious buzz in the air. She stopped when they reached their table, and stood by Ben and the empty seat next to him where Wade had been sitting.

  “Hey, stranger. Is this seat taken?” Her voice was low and breathy and, again, oddly familiar.

  Ben turned and Anna saw a look of shock cross his face. He stood and gave the woman a hug. “Sierra, what are you doing here? It’s great to see you. Please, join us.”

  Her smile was dazzling as she looked around the table as she sat next to Ben.

  “Everyone, this is Sierra Barker.” He introduced everyone to her and Anna realized once he told them her full name, who she was. Sierra was a famous soap opera actress who was starting to branch out of the soaps. She was about Ben’s age and from what Anna could remember, she was divorced a year or so ago. She seemed to know Ben very well.

  She was friendly and everyone peppered her with questions, which she answered graciously. Jaclyn, as it turned out, was a big fan.

  “I’ve watched Canyon Falls since the show started. You really should kick that Victor to the curb.”

  Sierra laughed. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “How long are you here?” Anna heard Ben ask. She leaned forward a little to better hear her answer.

  “I’m not sure, exactly. A few days, a week maybe? It depends how my meetings with Steven go and the show runner. I’ll be seeing him Monday or Tuesday.”

  Ben nodded and Anna noticed that he didn’t mention Adiel’s name, which she thought was interesting. She couldn’t help wondering how Ben and Sierra knew each other. If they were just friends or if there was some kind of romantic history.

  “So, will you show me the town while I’m here? I don’t have any meetings until Monday.”

  Ben hesitated before answering but finally said, “Of course, I’d be happy to. I’m still new here myself, but I know a few places we could go.”

  “Great, here’s my number. I have to run. I just saw the people I was supposed to meet over at the bar.” She handed Ben a cocktail napkin with her phone number scrawled on it and then addressed the table. “So great to meet you all.” And then she was gone.

  “Well, wasn’t that something,” Jaclyn said and then she asked the question Anna was dying to know the answer to. “Old girlfriend of yours?”

  Ben looked uncomfortable with the question. “We dated, a long time ago. She’s a great girl.”

  “Hm,” Jaclyn replied, before turning her attention back to the game at hand.

  They were in first place going into the final question, but it was a hard one and they second-guessed themselves, changing their first answer—which turned out to be correct—and going with something else. And it was a close game, so they had bet it all and ended up in last place.

  “Easy come, easy go,” Simon said as their waitress dropped off the check. They usually all threw money into the pot, but Ben grabbed the check and handed it to the waitress with his card.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Jack protested and the others all nodded.

  “I know. But I’m happy to. I appreciate being included. Next time we’ll win.”

  Everyone thanked him and as they left the restaurant, Anna saw that Sierra was gone, too. She wondered if Ben was looking forward to seeing more of Sierra while she was here. For some reason, she found the thought of the two of them depressing, yet she had to admit they made a handsome couple. Ben was tall and Sierra was just a few inches shorter instead of nearly a foot shorter, like Anna was. She sighed. It was just another sign that they weren’t meant to be more than friends.

  When they walked into the house, Ben put his arm on hers and she stopped to face him.

  “I just wanted to thank you for bringing me along tonight. I had fun.”

  She smiled. “I’m glad. You’re welcome to come anytime.”

  “I know you’re off this weekend, but if you don’t have plans Sunday night, would you like to join Adiel and me for dinner and a play? We’re going to see Rachel, the waitress from Kelsey’s Kafe star in A Streetcar Named Desire.”

  Anna hesitated. Who was Rachel? Was this another actress that Ben had dated or wanted to date?

  “Is she a friend of yours?”

  “No. I just met her today. She seems like a nice enough girl. She’s interested in auditioning for the TV show so I thought it might be a good way for Adiel to assess if she’s right for it.”

  Anna relaxed. “That sounds fun. I’d love to go.”

  Chapter 8

  Ben yawned and stretched. It was nearly midnight and as much as he wanted their Seinfeld marathon to continue, he knew he had to call it quits. He glanced over at Anna and her eyes were half-shut, too. He smiled. It had been a perfect night as far as he was concerned. They’d had Chinese food delivered and enjoyed it with a few beers while they watched back-to-back episodes of Seinfeld and laughed all night.

  Anna was on her side of the sofa and he was on his and it was just really comfortable. He frowned as he thought about his plans for Saturday night, which he was dreading. He knew it was the polite thing to do, to show Sierra around,
but he wasn’t looking forward to it. He almost invited Anna to join them, but sensed that neither woman would have been keen on that idea.

  “Do you have any fun plans for the rest of the weekend?” he asked as he shut off the TV.

  Anna yawned too before answering. “Tammy and I are doing something tomorrow night. I’m not sure what, maybe grabbing a bite to eat or seeing a movie. What about you?”

  “I told Sierra I’d take her out. Any ideas on where we should go?”

  Was he imagining it or did Anna not like the idea of him taking Sierra out, either?

  “Well, it depends. Do you want a lot of attention or would you rather go somewhere out of the way?”

  “I’m sure Sierra would love the attention. But I’d prefer to go to somewhere no one will notice us. I’m trying to keep a low profile here.”

  “You could try the Belfry. It’s more upscale and much smaller. A special occasion kind of place.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. Is the food good?”

  Anna laughed. “I’ve never been there. Like I said, it’s a special occasion restaurant and a bit out of my price range.”

  “Got it. Thanks for the suggestion, then. And we’re on for Sunday, though? The play with Adiel?”

  Anna smiled. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Anna walked into the kitchen Saturday night just as Ben was saying goodbye to Taylor and Betty.

  “You look great for your big date,” she teased him.

  “Trust me, it’s not a big date,” he said. But he did look great. He was wearing a hunter green sweater over a white t-shirt and well-made pants. The green brought out the green flecks in his eyes. She looked away, hating that she was feeling jealous about his night out with Sierra. She had no right to feel that way.

  “Have fun with Tammy,” he said as they reached their cars.

  She followed him out of the driveway as she headed to Tammy’s house. They saw a romantic comedy they’d both been dying to see, and then went to the Mexican restaurant in the middle of Main Street to share an order of loaded nachos and have some margaritas.

  “You like this guy,” Tammy announced when Anna finished telling her about Ben’s date with Sierra.

  “I may have a crush on him. I know it’s stupid.” Anna took a sip of her margarita and savored the sweet tartness of it.

  “I don’t think it’s stupid. He’s single, too. I know he’s your boss, but if the two of you get along as well as it seems—well, maybe it could be more?”

  Anna sighed. “I can’t risk doing anything to screw up this job. The money is too important.”

  Tammy frowned. “What’s going on with that? Have you applied for financial aid yet?”

  “I looked into it. I’m pretty much screwed. Elise said she won’t help me and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t qualify for much anyway based on what my father made.”

  “But I thought you said Elise told you there wasn’t much left? Maybe you could qualify for some aid.”

  “I hate the thought of asking her for anything.” Although it had crossed her mind to at least talk to Elise and see if she would fill out her part of the financial aid application.

  “Speak of the devil. She’s coming this way. You can ask her.”

  Anna looked up and sure enough, Elise was walking toward them, no doubt on her way to the restroom that was just beyond where they were sitting. Elise stopped in surprise when she saw Anna.

  “I thought you’d left town.”

  “No, I’m still here. I just got a job and started working.”

  “What kind of a job?”

  Anna hesitated, knowing her answer wouldn’t go over well. “I’m a live-in nanny, actually.”

  Elise raised her eyebrows. “You? That’s rich. Must be someone new to town?”

  Anna just nodded. She had no intention of telling Elise who she worked for.

  “I’m glad I ran into you, though. Would it be possible for me to drop off my financial aid application sometime this week? There’s a section that you need to fill out.”

  “You’re still planning on law school? I told you before, there’s no point to my filling that out because you won’t qualify for aid.”

  “But, I thought you said Dad didn’t leave you with much?”

  A strange look crossed her face, and she hurriedly said, “That’s right, he didn’t. But he still has that Amazon stock. I promised him I wouldn’t sell it, but it’s probably worth enough that you won’t qualify for aid. I’m sorry to say. I have to go now…take care.”

  Anna watched her totter away on her high heels and shook her head.

  Tammy was livid. “What an utter bitch! She should just give you that money for law school. You really should fight her for it.”

  Anna was angry, too, but more deflated than anything. She’d hoped that maybe Elise would want to help her. But instead, she just reinforced how much she hated her.

  “Forget about her. The nachos are here…let’s dig in.”

  Anna got home a few minutes past eleven and relieved Betty. Taylor was fast asleep and Anna was wide awake. She didn’t expect Ben home anytime soon. She knew they were going to that fancy restaurant, and she was pretty sure Sierra would want to go somewhere fun afterwards, maybe to hear some music at a local bar where she would be sure to be recognized. Though she knew Ben didn’t want that, but still, she couldn’t imagine Sierra being satisfied with just dinner. She’d made it clear that she wanted Ben to show her around the town.

  Between running into Elise and picturing Sierra in Ben’s arms on the dance floor, Anna was feeling pretty down. Maybe a bit of chocolate chip ice cream would help. Not that she was hungry in the least. But eating was rarely about hunger for her. Anna had always been a stress eater and ice cream was considered comfort food for a reason.

  She’d just settled herself at the island counter with a cup of hot herbal tea and a rather large bowl of ice cream, when the front door opened and Ben walked in.

  “You’re still up.” He sounded both surprised and pleased. He glanced at her ice cream and then walked toward the freezer. “Did you save any for me?”

  Anna nodded. “There’s enough for another good-sized bowl.”

  Ben pulled out the carton and grabbed a spoon from a drawer. He didn’t even bother with a bowl. He settled into the seat next to her and took a big bite.

  “I didn’t think you’d be home so early,” Anna said.

  Ben smiled. “If it was up to Sierra, I wouldn’t be. She wanted to go to Figs and go dancing after we ate. That was the last thing I felt like doing.”

  “How did you get out of it?” Anna was curious as Sierra seemed like the determined type.

  “Well, I’m not proud to admit it, but I used Taylor. Having a baby comes in handy sometimes. I told her I had to get back to relieve her sitter.”

  “Well done.”

  “How about you? How was your night?”

  “It was fun, until we ran into Elise at the Mexican restaurant.”

  “Did she give you a hard time?”

  “She did, but it was my fault. I made the mistake of thinking she might actually help me. I asked if she’d fill out her part of the financial aid form, and she said no.”


  “She said there was no point to it, that I wouldn’t qualify for aid because of my Dad’s income or rather his stock account. But she promised she wouldn’t touch that money, so it is what it is.”

  “That doesn’t sound right. I’m happy to look into this for you, as your attorney.”

  Anna was tempted but didn’t want to make a fuss.

  “I don’t want to do that to Hayley and Tommy. It could get ugly if we get lawyers involved, and it’s too soon after my father passed. I’ll find a way somehow.”

  Ben looked like he wanted to push the matter, but just sighed and finished his ice-cream instead. Finally he said, “Well, if you change your mind, let me know.”

  “I will.” Anna took the last bite of her ice cream, rinsed the
bowl and put it in the sink. Suddenly she was bone tired and ready to fall into bed. “I’m heading to bed. Goodnight, Ben.”

  Ben dropped his empty container into the trash and pulled Anna in for a comforting hug. He released her a moment later and brushed a wayward strand of hair off her face.

  “Everything will work out, Anna. Don’t give that woman another thought. Sleep tight.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.” Anna padded off to bed still feeling the warmth of Ben’s hug. It had been comforting and something else, at the same time. And she only wished it had lasted longer.

  Chapter 9

  Ben was up early with Taylor the next day. He was in the kitchen feeding her breakfast when Anna came by in her workout clothes on the way to the gym. Taylor got excited when she saw her and Anna stopped over to drop kisses on her head and chat with her for a few minutes.

  “Enjoy your workout,” he called after her as she stepped outside. She looked so cute in her leggings and tank top. She didn’t need to lose any weight, but he liked that she wanted to stay in shape. And he liked that she enjoyed food as much as he did. So many of the women he’d dated, especially the actresses and models, had strange diets. Pizza and ice cream were rarely allowed.

  An hour later, Anna returned, glistening with sweat and in Ben’s eyes, looking better than Sierra had the night before in her silk dress and high heels. She’d picked at her food at the fancy restaurant they went to and didn’t seem to enjoy it at all. Though she’d enjoyed her wine well enough. And she hadn’t been happy at all when he said he had to get home because of Taylor.

  She’d pouted, and he’d been relieved when he dropped her off at her cabin at River’s End Ranch. She tried to set another date, but he’d put his foot down this time and simply said he was busy and had company coming to visit. He didn’t dare mention that it was Adiel or she would have insisted on all of them getting together. When she got out of the car and shut the door behind her, he felt nothing but relief and an eagerness to get home.